Classical Music Concerts in Frankfurt

For fans of classical music, you are in the right city. The Alte Oper has a full schedule, with various orchestras and groups playing on almost a daily basis.  If you have a trip scheduled to Frankfurt you can check to see who is playing and book your tickets in advance.
Many of the churches in Frankfurt offer concerts through-out the year, sometimes organ or chamber music. The Katharinen Church on the Hauptwache offers a free organ concert every Mon. and Thur. at 16:30.

The Kaiserdom has one of the largest organs in Germany, so coming here for a concert is quite special. They usually do not have many concerts in the summer though. Once a month, they offer a free matinee at 12:30. Find dates here on their link

I have been to many smaller concerts at the Alte Nikolai and have been thrilled with the wonderful acoustics. During the 4 weeks of Advent, they will have some sort of concert every night, ranging from brass bands, hand bells, orchestras, or choirs. Their list of events are here:  Alte Nikolai

The Liebfrauen Church presents many concerts as does the Drei König Church.
Drei König Church


Drew Watts said…
Classical Music Concerts are just amazing!! My father loves classical music. He has a sound knowledge of classical music. You know dear he never leaves any chance of attending the music concerts that have been held at the domestic Los Angeles event venues.
Unknown said…
I will be in Frankfurt on Feb 7-11 and again on April 25 to May 4, can you recommend some concerts I can attend?

Jo said…
Best is to check the websites from the Alte Oper, Oper Frankfurt or the Kaiserdom.