German Holidays

When it is an official holiday in Germany, count on all of the stores being closed. Restaurants, cafes, tourist attraction, souvenir stores, ice skating rinks, pools, movies, etc. will still be open. Most museums will be open too, but it is always wise to check their websites. Some holidays cause more museum closures, like New Years, Christmas, or Good Friday.
Emergency shopping can be done at the main train station in Frankfurt or the airport. There you will find groceries, pharmacies, and bakeries open.
1 Jan.  New Years Day

6 Jan.  3 Kings Day, (Heilige Drei Könige) Bavaria, Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg

19 April  Good Friday  (Karfreitag)

21 April  Easter (Ostern)
22 April  Easter Monday

1 May  Labor Day

30 May   Ascension Day  (Christi Himmelfahrt)

9 June  Pentecost (Pfingsten)
10 June  Pentecost Monday  (Pfingstmontag)

20 June  Corpus Christi Day  (Fronleichnam) Bavaria, Hessen, Rheinland Pfalz, Saarland, Baden Württemburg, Nordrhein Westfalen

15 Aug.  Ascension of Mary  (Maria Himmelfahrt) Bavaria & Saarland

3 Oct. Unification Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)

1 Nov.  Allerheiligen  Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Rheinland Pfalz, Saarland, Nordrhein-Westfalen

21 Nov. Buß & Betag   Sachsen

25 Dec.  Christmas
26 Dec. 2nd Christmas Day
